Dutch United Nations Student Association

Social, intellectual & self-development events for students interested in international relations.


Who we are

SIB Amsterdam is the Dutch United Nations Student Association in Amsterdam, providing social, intellectual & self-development events for students interested in international relations.

Founded in 1947 and counting over 260 members, SIB students the perfect mix of social and intellectual activities. Whether you're looking to expand your network, gain professional experience, or simply make new friends, SIB provides countless opportunities. You’ll also have the chance to contribute by organizing events such as parties, panel discussions & interviews, debates, international excursions, and four exciting trips abroad each year. It’s a great way to enhance your skills and enrich your student life.

Our official language is English and we welcome Dutch and international students of all study backgrounds. You are welcome to our events whenever you want during the whole year. We have no hazing process.

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Join a SIB Event

Every month we host a variety of events for SIB members and non-members alike. Here’s a quick preview of some upcoming events to join. See all events >>


Daniël Schreuder,1 year SIB member, was looking for a social group of students that do more than just hazing and drinking.

I was looking for a student association that was more than just drinking. I also felt uncomfortable with the idea that at some associations I had to go through a hazing process. Fortunately at SIB I was welcome to hang out with everybody without a hazing. Every week there is the SIB drinks and they are organising it every time in a different place in Amsterdam that makes me explore and see the city in a way I would otherwise never discover. Also I am glad that at SIB they have the Dionysus society where everybody on a monthly basis cooks dinner together with food based on a different country. One time we cooked Italian food together, the other time we had Russian food which was very good.

Read more about Dionysus >>

Alexandra,1 year SIB member, improved her debating skills at MUNDUNSA and found her internship via SIB’s diplomat drinks event.

When I came to Amsterdam to do my bachelor European studies, I was looking for a MUN club and found SIB’s MUNDUNSA. From the first day on I came to MUNDUNSA it felt like a warm welcome with a very friendly and familiar atmosphere. As part of SIB’s MUNDUNSA I gained a lot of friends and improved very much my speaking skills as the chair of MUNDUNSA was very friendly, talented and a great teacher. MUNDUNSA helped with organising a trip to Tokyo for the world MUN and Hamburg world MUN where we managed to win first place. On top of that SIB also organises diplomat drinks where I got to change to meat with a lot of diplomats and experts working at international NGO’s there I got the chance to talk with the Dutch ambassador in Greece and managed to get an internship there.

Read about MUNDUNSA >>

Julia van Duin, 2 year SIB member, joined SIB for her ambition as an international journalist.

At SIB I am having an amazing, fun and social time with like minded Dutch and international students from all over the world. Besides the fun and social activities, as a member at SIB I have gained a lot of experience on a personal and on a professional level. My dream is to become an international journalist to travel the world and to report on social issues, to inform the people around me on global issues. At SIB’s writers committee named The Treaty, I got the opportunity to meet experienced and passionate writers with whom I got the opportunity and freedom to write my first quality articles. Thanks to the Committee of External activities we visited the Embassy of Jordan and got to meet the ambassador personally and ask questions. Thanks to that I was able to know more about Syrian refugee camps in Jordan and achieved my goal to write an article about the matter and so hopefully get a step further to making a change in the world.

Read her article >>